Some days

chocolate is the only saving grace.

I have already eaten that whole bar in the time it took to load the photo onto my computer and upload it (about 1 minute!). Given that I had another bar of chocolate at work today, it would probably be wrong to raid the fridge for another one...wouldn't it?

Basil is being an utter b*****d today. The strongest painkillers I have are not even taking the edge off it and as the day has progressed my abdomen has swollen to 5 month pregnant proportions which is very annoying given that Basil is not a baby but a bloody annoying growth of scar tissue and other stuff.

Am just grateful for the understanding and quiet sympathy I am receiving - no one is fussing over me, everyone being very practical and making plans for my absence, acknowledging what I am not able to do and generally 'getting' where I am at. It helps that everyone around me knows how to handle me most effectively. I think I can best describe this by one of my colleagues (and friends) catching up with me privately today, hesitating, then giving me a hug and wishing me luck. She explained that she hadnt done it sooner because she knew I needed time to get my head around it all. It is THAT that I really appreciate. So, thank are another one who knows who you are. There are so many of you really - I am blessed to have you in my life. I hope that when I am skiving from the workplace for my extended recovery that you all keep me going, even if it is just texts and messages.

Am now running to get ahead of myself, to make sure that everything is sorted, that my children are set up to be able to get on without me and that I don't leave anyone in the shit, frankly. Tomorrow I am going to ring the hospital to try and pin a date down, so that we can plan a bit more effectively at work - it's the uncertainty that is the biggest problem right now.

On that note, am going to bed.

Sleep tight kiddiewinkles.

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