Pre-school theory

Katies been on a bit of a mission to get back at it with the theory work. She’s worked really hard on her instruments over the summer but the written theory fell by the wayside a little. I left her a few questions to do while I made breakfast. She finished them and asked to do another page “then this bit, not the whole page”, except she did do the whole page! We needed up abandoning practice for the morning so she could just keep ploughing on with her theory.

We picked the kids up as normal and Katie & Bobbins were thoroughly bonkers. Her litttle brother spent the whole journey repeating “we’re late! We’re late!” (We weren’t, we were in fact comparatively early!)

Having not done practice before school, we got home as quick as we could. Except that it poured down, completely drenched both us. I threw her in the shower while I made tea. She did a great piano practice, had a stroppy meltdown and then went on to do a brilliant clarinet practice.... kids!

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