Hello Archie! (Jersey Day Five)
A day of rest, enforced by the weekend's wet weather. Actually, probably well timed. We popped out to a huge garden centre for a browse, well timed for a monsoon shower on the tin roof, and had a tour of Anne's gym venue - fantastic! Also, the gym was SILENT - everyone has their own earpods. How wonderful is that!
A visit to Waitrose to pick up an easy meal and recipe card for my turn at making the evening meal (supper here). It was passable.
News from Archie is that he was out with Elizabeth, met Bailey and her mum, who came home with them to see the new flat, and Wendy managed to get out and about for a while, so everyone was happy.
So I’m cheating today - I didn’t take any photos, but I liked this one with the rainbow, taken by Elizabeth.
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