Gitama's World

By Gitama

Searching for Waterholes and...

Bulls with Balls the size of Church Bells.

We went in search of a waterhole called Harts Hole..not so far from our place...unfortunately when we got there it was full of A**e Holes...young folk leaving a mess ...big dogs ..loud music and foul mouths...such a shame but on reflection they probably did Flynn a favour as because of lack of rain I realised that the water would not be so ...well fresh.

We drove around and down a road we hadn't been before and found some lovely little creeks that I needed to stop and take pics of ( the warm and cool colours in this)......some broken down sheds and barns....horses...Lllamas...bedragled cormorants.....and then we found this shed.
I got out of the car when I saw this old barn...there were some interesting shapes and funky tin set against the lovely backdrop of the I was clicking away this HUGE white/ish bull started to emerge from the shed......of which the opening wasn't as big as was rather funny and even more so when I heard bits of wood clattering to the floor as the Bull strained out of the opening.
When he fully emerged my eyes nearly popped out of my head at the size of his balls.....I was kinda glad I was this side of the fence especially as another couple of them had the decency to come around from the back of the shed rather than through it.

Ahhh look I wasn't going to but I have posted a pic that Flynn made me take for those of you that are curious.

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