Wheelhouse at Jarlshof

Less wind today, mostly sunny, but an odd shower, and still cold.  Lovely moonlit evening tonight.

Another day working at the Croft House Museum.  I've had a busier day compared to yesterday, 43 visitors.  Plenty of visitors here for Wool Week, and they have travelled from all over the world.  I popped along friends Leslie and Averil at lunchtime, they've been moving this week, shame I couldn't have been around to help.  Been down to mam's this evening, and bro Jonny was over too.  A cuppa, and then we all headed out for a walk, including Sammy.  Back in time to watch the darts final.  Feet up for the night now.

Before I headed along friends at lunchtime, I nipped along West Voe beach for a brisk walk, and ended up passing by the ancient site of Jarlshof.  Jarlshof has to be one of my most favourite places to visit.  The history spans across thousands of years, and really gets the imagination going.  One of my favourite buildings is this wheelhouse.  These old houses are amazing to look at, and it's still as strong and standing since the Iron Age.  Taken at Jarlshof, Sumburgh. 

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