Sunny Monday

Chilly start to the day but so lovely.

Middle son called for a quick visit, so we were able to finally give him his photo book of their four girls that I did for his 40th didnt come in time for his actual birthday, think he loved it :-) The three of us went for lunch together before he had to dash off to be home in time to collect the girls from school!
He too has just ordered a new car, like us!

We decided on a walk along the canal and around Pennington Flash as it was such a sunny afternoon.

Todays blip is obivously of the tit family, but not sure which model ;-). Willow maybe?

I wore a new pair of shoes last Wednesday, they gave me a trainers today havent helped :-/ bit chilly for sandals but might have to be for a day or two!

Just having a snack this evening.....not sure what yet though :-/ before going to camera club tonight.

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