Life In Wales

By KarenC


I dropped mum off at the station this morning and then I nipped to Preston Park while I was in the area, to find the snail.  I got a nice surprise when I found Poppy, I think she's lovely, particularly against the blue sky.

I passed a few more as I was driving home, but these don't count until I've actually got a photo of them.  I walked the boys, made a leek and potato soup, got ready for work and walked to the coast road to catch the bus to work.  I have to catch two buses and I managed to get on both free of charge - I normally buy at 60 minute ticket for my journey to and can only buy this on the phone App, however it wasn't working!   It's the same price for my 60 minute ticket as it is for a single, and as I need two buses, it's half the price.  I got on the first bus and explained that I couldn't buy the ticket that I needed as the App wasn't working, and the driver let me on without paying.  I then used the same approach when I boarded the second bus (even though I could have just bought a single ticket) and the driver also let me on free of charge.  It was good for me, but they really need to sort it out quickly.

Work was very busy and I didn't manage to get away until 8.15pm  - I'm tired and still itchy!

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