I Spy PewDiePie

I wasn't sure if I'd be going in work today as I've got an awful itchy rash all around my neck which developed yesterday.  I was concerned that it might be chicken pox as I've never had it, although I've had the chicken pox vaccination, but I wondered if it was a mild form.  Alan took photos which I sent by text to my GP boss this morning to ask what he thought, as I didn't want to go into work if I was contagious.  The message came back that he didn't think it looked like the Pox, and asked me to go in work anyway and he'd have a look, then if he felt it was, I'd be sent home.

Anyway, he was puzzled as to what it is, but said it's definitely not Chicken Pox, Shaughan his wife and Practice Manager said she thought it looked like a viral rash and Jeremy one of our other doctors said he thought it looks like bites!   When I finished work, I called my own doctor to try and get an appointment, and luckily they fitted me in at 5.15pm - he looked quite puzzled as to what it is, but also came to the conclusion that it's bites of some kind so I now have a cream that I have to cover myself in tonight - let's hope it does the trick!  I know for sure the boys don't have fleas as they're treated once a month, and also they were groomed on Friday, so Charlotte would have said something if she'd seen any.  And whilst I may be scabby,  I'm relieved that I'm not contagious as we've got a certain big birthday to attend this coming weekend and I was worried I wouldn't be able to go!

Back to my blip - I went for a walk at lunch time and spotted PewDiePie sat sunning himself on his balcony - he's one of the biggest You Tuber's who earns about £10,000 - £20,000 per day due to the amount of followers he has.  Alan follows him, and a few months ago he spotted PewDiePie and his girlfriend Marzia (who's also a You Tuber) on their balcony - he heard them talking which prompted him to look up.  Anyway, he showed me where they live and this afternoon he just happened to be sat there when I walked passed.   I didn't plan on blipping him, but wanted to 'Pap' him to show Alan, however, when I uploaded the photo, I actually liked it, it's a lovely old building and the light and shadows are great.  I'm quite pleased with my papping skills as I hid behind on the of the beach huts and poked my lens through gap between two huts, there's no chance he could have seen me :-)

The nice weather has returned and although the mornings and evenings are pretty cool, it was 17 degrees this afternoon. Mum took herself into Brighton on the bus while we were at work, and tonight's her last night with us, she heads home tomorrow.

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