A confused genius

By Lez11

365th blip, 1 year in my life

Today is my 365th blip, 1 year of my life. Technically there is 366 days this year as it was a leap year but I did start writing it last year.

I set out writing this blip as 2 of my friends, Charlotte and Gemma had also started writing a blip. I wanted to record 365 days of my life so I could do a Paul Coleman aged 35 into 36 diary and put it in a book to share with friends and family (like Adrian moles diary but not as funny). What I found was a hobbie and I have really enjoyed writing down my daily experiences. My favourite blips are the ones I have wrote on my holidays and weekends away as it is always good to look back and remember the good times and what you have done.

The hardest part of writing the blip is taking a picture everyday, especially of you don't get any good photo opportunities. It is also hard to write a blip on days where nothing has happened in your life.

I'm going to continue writing my blip everyday now until the 1st January 2013. After that I'm just going to write my blip on days when interesting things happen in my life.

Today I went to work as normal then carried out a safety inspection on one of my projects in the p**sing down rain. Mental note to self, carry out safety inspections in the summer not autumn / winter.

Tonight I'm going to watch the new James Bond film, sky fall at the cinema with my sister and her fiancée.

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