
By Annieone

Brighten Things Up????

My latest attempt to brighten up my front door...
I love the Ornamental Cabbage.....have never planted them before...but they do look very colourful, don't they??
Another Kittyless Blip today...being such a lovely day again today he was off on his travels when I was doing this!!!
Only arrived back as I was finished.....!the conversation went something like this..
Kitty...."What are you planting Annie?"
Me......."A window box ,Kitty"!
Kitty....."Haha...I know what you're up to"!
Me......."And what would that be now Kitty"?
Kitty....." You don't want my muddy paws on the windowsill! will I get up there beside it,? wouldn't it make a lovely Blip picture"??
Me......."You will not Kitty and besides you're too late anyway, I<ve already
Blipped it"!!
Kitty......"Aw,....tell my friends I said hello anyway..."!
Me....."Of course I will Kitty!"
Kitty...."Annie, it looks lovely"!!
Me...."Thanks, Kitty"! and on and on .........................

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