
By Annieone

'Let Sleeping Cats Lie' etc............

Another sneaky Blip so bad here today that this was Kitty most of the day.......!
The best place to be to....
He was so wet this morning that it took several sheets of kitchen paper to dry him...
But there was no fuss....I think he's getting used to me doing it...
At least this is what he said this morning.....!
Kitty...."Annie I'm getting to like this"(purring loudly).....!
Me........"Are you Kitty, why?'re purring very loudly..."!
Kitty....."Well, don't I look fur is all fluffed up and I don't like being wet"!
Me......."You always look lovely Kitty...and I know you don't like being wet as you dry yourself on the legs of my pyjamas....!"!!
Kitty....."Will you Blip me now?"...
Me........"not now Kitty , haven't time , maybe later ok"!!!!
Meow.....had his breakfast....up on the chair....
and I took this Blip later......!!
He said to say "Meow" to all his buddies..!

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