Playtime with Norm (Day 1240)

I squelched up the hill with the woofers this morning in very heavy rain. The stiff breeze helped to make it a little more unpleasant.
Back at home I got organised and headed off to town to deal with one of the jobs which was cancelled a couple of days ago. It was a bit of a wasted journey as the customer needed new taps which he wants to choose for himself. 
With another customer to see in Stromness, I collected some bits and headed west as the rain died away.
Back at home for lunch, Norm seemed to be at a bit of a loose end and we came to the conclusion that a little trundle out on the bikes might be in order. A brief shower and a fairly strong wind didn't dampen our spirits or enthusiasm, and we had around 45 miles of jolly good fun. On the way home, and realising that I had no blip, I turned up the road to the top of Wideford Hill and snapped a shot of the bikes high above Kirkwall.
Apparently there will be home made pizza for dinner. I reckon the day has turned out rather well.

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