Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Turn that tap off!

Talking about the weather here. It was grim this morning but got much worse until early afternoon. I had to travel from Daventry back over to the old office in Warwick for a meeting at lunchtime and then home this evening. Had to drive through at least 20 flooded roads throughout the day, one of which was all but un-passable by 5pm.

At lunchtime about 40 yards was flooded to about 6 inches. By this evening it was flooded for about 200yds and was in places about 10-12 inches deep. About 2 years ago, major work had been done on the drainage. Impossible to guess what it would have been like had they not done those improvements.

Oh - and more is forecast for tomorrow. I can now make sense of the car I saw on Sunday towing a trailer carrying about a dozen kayaks!

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