
By CleanSteve

John with Theo and his favourite horse

I joined John W. this morning to take his dog Theo for a walk. It was a beautiful morning with warm sunshine and now ind and the beginnings of the autumn look for the landscape. The walk took about an hour and a half although we did stop at various points to admire views and discuss trees and farm ownerships.

We crossed the stream and fields to go to the Pitchcombe valley, which is the next tributary of the Painswick stream, before climbing the ridge up towards the beech woodlands above Kites Nest farm, both opf which you can see i/n the background.

John had remembered to bring a couple of apples from his garden to feed to this horse which lives at Kites Nest farm. He said that the horse has become a 'friend' in the last few weeks as he passes by regularly and says hello.

the flies were buzzing around it but I think he appreciated the company. Theo was rather put out by John paying attention to the horse and barked briefly, but couldn't resist having a sniff as well.

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