Meeting the architect at Stroud Subscription Rooms
I was invited to a meeting at Stroud Subscription Rooms this afternoon to hear the architect explaining their designs to the local Heritage Officer from the local Planning Authority. The architect had a member of his design team and a heritage expert who had explored the history of the buildings evolution.
The Town Council was represented by the Town Clerk and Camilla, who is a town councillor, as well as chair of Stroud Preservation Trust, of which I am a trustee as well. I was there as the Trust has paid a sizeable contribution to the costs of paying for various experts' consultancy fees.
The Town Council has agreed to take over the building's ownership from the District Council and have agreed to lease the building to a new trust with some very high powered trustees. They aim to run the building as a community arts venue. It is an exciting time although quite daunting to those involved. The building is much loved but rather run down and needs to have facilities which will attract many more users to it once again.
I liked the light in which the members of the meeting were standing in the main ballroom on the first floor. I asked their permission to record the moment.
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