Harebells and sugar plums
Campanula rotundifolia
This afternoon I had a gorgeous walk up St Catherine's Hill. I thought I was going to blip another wildflower that's always up there in profusion at this time of year, but in the end I got sucked in to trying to capture these harebells. I think one of the most difficult photos I've taken for blip. It was pretty windy and these are so tiny and delicate they never stay still as it is. Also, getting up close and personal with their environment coats the lens with pollen. Still, such as it is, here are harebells for FlowerFriday.
As always, a big thank you to Anni (BikerBear) for hosting.
So why sugar plums? Don't read this if you're easily offended, but I totally got the giggles on my way to the hill. Winchester public loos are pretty dire. The one attached to the Mayor's official residence is no different, except in one thing. They play piped music. So imagine going in there, as I did, to use the otherwise empty facilities, and finding yourself being serenaded by the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. You couldn't make it up!!
Have a happy weekend, lovely blippers xx
A list of my blipped 2018 wildflowers to date:
Gorse (or furze); Wild daffodils
Coltsfoot; Primroses; Blackthorn
Greater periwinkle; Goat willow; Ground ivy; Cowslips; Daisy;
Common field speedwell; Wood anemone; Greater celandine
Cuckoo flower (or lady’s smock); Yellow archangel; Common dog violet;
Crab apple; Bluebell; Red clover; Germander speedwell;
Three-cornered leek; Hawthorn; Yellow flag; Dandelion; Common vetch; Dog rose; Green alkanet;
Bramble; Stinking iris; Dropwort; Meadow buttercup; Sweet briar; Red campion; Butterfly orchid; Poppies; Nettle; Birdsfoot trefoil; Meadow cranesbill;
Musk mallow; Field Scabious; Ragwort; Rosebay willowherb; purple loosestrife; teasel; meadowsweet; yellowloosestrife; Great willowherb;
Water mint; marjoram; spear thistle; rowan; guelder rose; cow parsley; common sorrel; buddleia; Himalayan balsam; hedge bindweed; crab apple; field fleawort; sainfoin;
Water forgetmenot; common toadflax; buddleia; harebells;
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