
By Wildwood

Spring Lake

A busy day today. Unpack enough to get one car in the garage, walk with Ozzie at this park within walking distance of our house (well, on a more energetic day), a trip to the grocery store on the busiest day of the year (the day before Thanksgiving) where everybody was either festive and forgiving or totally beleaguered. I was amazed at the number of little old ladies, some seemingly dependent on their carts for support, who were nonetheless soldiering on through the store, lists in hand. The turkey queue and the produce department were the craziest.

Now the Los Angeles contingent have arrived, the kids have scattered themselves between the television, the front lawn with a football and the creek with the dogs. We adults are enjoying wine and cheese and catching up. Not a bad day at all.

I'm afraid comments will suffer for the weekend, but I'll try to catch up next week.

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