The Good News and the Bad News

I took today's shot of the sky out the front door when I got up this morning. It pretty well illustrates my general frame of mind quite well, so I decided it was the perfect blip for today.

I have been dealing with "digestive issues" since August, done all kinds of tests, most of which were negative, and finally today was the day to see the specialist.

The good news:
I liked him--he was respectful; he listened; he was sympathetic and didn't blow me off.

I don't seem to have anything really awful, just inconvenient and tiresome.

It all goes back to the doctor (dare I say "twerp"?) who wouldn't remove a splinter from my thumb and instead prescribed an antibiotic to which I have overreacted, so I feel somewhat vindicated.

The bad news
He convinced me that the only way to know for sure what is going on, and how to treat it, requires the ultimate test which I had devoutly hoped to avoid.

It can't be scheduled until the middle of December when an anesthesiologist will be available. Merry Christmas

In the meantime, I can't eat anything good.

The sky outside as I write is sunny and blue, but my mood kind of matches the black side. I imagine I'll feel better tomorrow....

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