A New Day

By ANewDay

Exploring in Abernethy

Drizzle and grey skies said the weather forecast.  Wrong!  Sunshine and blue skies and very warm:-)  So we took the opportunity after lunch to go and explore the vicinity.

Not far away was the very pretty Nurse Peattie's Garden, named after a local nurse who served the community for many years.  Quite amazing the number of different plants in such a small area!  

Then it was on up the footpath to the woods nearby.  So many choices of which way to go, but we chose the path with the footbridges and climbed the hill to get a wonderful view across the town and to the River Tay and the hills beyond. Everyone we met was so friendly, including the tabby cat who wanted to follow us home:-)

My hips and back were screaming in pain by this stage, so we had to forego the final steep hill and head back down, stopping off for coffee at Berryfields in the town centre.  More exercise than I've had in weeks, but what a lovely day:-)

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