I've never known a day go so fast even though Oscar allowed me a lie in till 8 am! I had to wait in for some parcels, which in the end I discovered on my doorstep at 2 pm when I got a text message saying one had been delivered. I must have been in the shower!   So an afternoon walk for Oscar to the church and back. He managed to find and eat many a disgusting thing on our walk! But I got this man and his bonfire, a rather lovely butterfly and cows so we were both happy! Oscar looked briefly at the cows then lost interest - so much for his herding instincts! I then took some cardboard and compost up to the allotment and whilst Oscar slept in the car I had a bit of an impromptu tidy up and had quality time with the hens! 
On returning home my malted loaf with seeds, raisons and apricots in my bread maker was done - time to put on the brioche! But then there was a ring of my doorbell and The Exile was back! Oscar overjoyed to see her! She's had a great trip and had stayed in a shepherds hut which was a tiny wooden hobbit looking hut beautifully but simply furnished! I cooked dinner of Butternut risotto with crispy sage and scallops then we caught up on 2 episodes of Killing Eve! Just knew who was getting to get killed! 
Now it's bedtime, Oscar has of course gone up with The Exile! At least the cats get me all to themselves and can sleep on the bed! This morning I caught both of them eating in the same room - a first! 

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