
By scharwenka

A Short Book or a Long Paper

I recently heard that I had been awarded a prize for a review article published roughly 22 years ago.

I was asked for an image to put on a web page, and took this photograph of the book form of the publication. Since today was most decidedly not a day for outdoor photographs, I thought that I might as well kill two birds with one stone, and use my image for today's Blipfoto as well.

In reality, I had an able team of 11 other distinguished scientists from around Europe assisting me with the writing. My contribution, apart from writing some of the chapters, was just to coordinate the work and to edit the result. The team had some very nice meetings in various locations, and some in Oxford are remembered fondly by my colleagues, apparently not only for the science, but also for the dinners and liquid refreshments.

It certainly came as a great (but very pleasant) surprise to all of us to hear of our award, and after so long.

If you want to know more about the prize, here is the link to the NASA site where it is explained.

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