A showery day forecast so after a 9 o'clock hair cut we drove to Leighton Moss RSPB reserve, working on the theory that we could shelter in the hides if it rained. We were lucky and it stayed dry. I was also lucky because I got some bird photos.

Because my camera kit is inadequate for birds I have to rely on getting a sharp shot, then crop and crop. From the first hide by the visitor centre we saw hundreds of Black-tailed Godwits and I caught some coming in to land.

Then a coffee and onwards to the Eric Morecambe hide on the edge of Morecambe Bay. Lots of Lapwing and Redshank but the star was the Little Egret that waded across the mud close to the hide. The main shot was soon after my husband spotted it (I rewarded him with chips in Arnside later).

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