Custard cream

A little bonus lay at the bottom of the biscuit tin - triple layer custard cream.  No idea how it got through the factory to get three biscuits in there.  Yes, this is about as interesting as it gets today... 

Super unimpressed with the boys nursery today.  The eldest pulled out a pair of wet trousers from his bag in the car on the way home (they were at least in a bag) - I was confused as he was in the same trousers that he had on this morning.  It transpired that these were from yesterday, although at pick up they had said he'd had a 'good day' - the eldest told me he'd had an accident.  This was after having to ask for a beaker back this morning that the youngest had taken in yesterday morning after his morning milk in the car, I was handed his beaker from a drawer that hadn't been washed up so had sat festering.  

Rant over. 

Nice day at work, quiet.  Lovely evening with the husband just pottering about getting some chores done. 

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