Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Stillness after the storm

Upon a starry morning, when not even the birds were up, with hands clenched over the handle bars I whistled as I whooshed down the hill to the river. The fresh air a boost to my mood. Onto the train platform and stand in the bitter chill wind.....somehow....lovely!

I managed to catch an earlier train than I thought which got me into town before the sun was up. There was much evidence of the wind and rain last night, lake like puddles and arm like branches strewn around. In the stillness now, it left to wonder at such commotion. Wandering around and looking at all the silhouettes against the lightening sky was so lovely...I love these moments of watch the stars, moon and sun track the journey of our lives in pathways across the sky...a heavenly clock.

Time passes...our days are filled...enjoy them if you can.


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