The Price Of Everything, The Value of Nothing

I've had a very strange few days. I've photographed a collection of paintings for work worth in excess of $100 million dollars, been afflicted by a virus, been so tired I could hardly stand up, been completely fed up, been cheered by our village pub losing the horrible grumpy landlord (at bloody last!) and everything in between.
As part of my work I get to handle, see and photograph artworks up close worth more than I could earn in several hundred lifetimes. I really do appreciate the opportunity that this gives me and it is a privilege that I don't take lightly, but sometimes the sums involved are so unreal that you almost can't compute it logically. I also, though, really appreciate the simplest things in life like a smile from a stranger, a beautiful sunny day, the local pub under new ownership (thank God!), a run in clear country air or an ice cold glass of wine. Maybe the things we consider valuable may not be of any material value at all but they mean everything to us and I hope that is the way I will always see life. The saying could actually be the value of everything, the price of nothing!

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