
After the catastrophe last time ..... the Minions have managed to find a way to greet the Jolly Yellow Giant with a High Five!

After hunting round the house for something to climb on ...... they finally found something that would work! It did mean that Jolly Yellow Giant had to struggle to sit quite low ..... but Unicorn was so pleased when he managed that she jumped onto his knee to give him a cuddle .... she didn't want to be left out of the fun!

For Silly Saturday ..... also for Tiny People .... thanks to Admirer & Hanulli for hosting these great fun challenges :-)

It has been wet & cold .... ugh! In fact it's been a really miserable day ....... with the temperature down to about 10c ...... a big shock to the system after the warm, sunny weather we've been having! It is supposed to improve again next week though .... fingers crossed!

Hope you are all having a Tigger-tastic weekend :-)

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