Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Living on the edge

There was some Israeli dancing on Gordon Beach tonight, a tradition after the sabbath goes out. Pitch up, join in. Everything but the Hava Nagila and some Disco Disco Good Good. Not for the purists but everyone seemed happy including this stoned looking granny dancing solo on the fringes.

The other big deal on the beach after dark is playing volleyball. Great to watch (see extra).

I took very few photographs today. Basically we walked up the coast, went to the old port and headed for the park. But it was very hot and despite the cooling properties of cold beer and the energy derived from vegan shwarma we headed back early and had a long siesta. Part of this involved lying on my back on a lounge staring up to the heavens and stargazing with an app I have on my iPad where you can hold it up to the night sky and be given all the info about what you can (and cannot) see. Mars is very bright here, you can see why they call it the red planet; could also see Vega and Polaris.

Then we went out for some rather powerful cocktails in a local bar...the walk back was definitely not a sprint.

Our apartment by the way is up six flights of stairs, no lift. It’s called the punisher. Really gets you after a day spent walking...but it is in a really nice neighbourhood, got a wave from an elderly neighbour today.

Loving it here.

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