From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Under cover....

Such a different day today! Wet wet wet. So glad we took advantage of the beautiful day yesterday.

Some jobs that needing doing took us to both "Bottoms"; Pratts Bottom for a specific book shop, and Locksbottom for their Sainsbury's, and passing close to Badgers Mount. Names to be proud of!!

Not on the list but fitting in nicely, Cooling's garden Centre where we had a quick lunch and then bought plants for the front baskets. Thought we'd got some free pinks using a voucher for this month, only to find when we got home, we'd been charged for them. Not so good. 

The winter cyclamen looked great but we've gone for variegated foliage this year. The "free" dianthus will go in as well.

An evening of doing very little really. Watched a Back to the Factory recording set in the 1980's. Fascinating, and lots of memories too,  such as velour leisure suits and Walkmen among others. 

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