
By Dee49

My girlies

Ok, contrary to what you may think, it's not taken me this long to sober up or anything y'know.

I've had an absolutely mega busy day and I'm so sorry, I still haven't gotten around to looking at anybody's blips yet.

Here's my quick blip.
My girls are off to London for the weekend with their dad to see their big sister who has lots of fun planned for them.
This photo isn't the best but they have been going from hyper, to nervous, and back to hyper again about their trip.
1st time on a plane.

Feel quite nervous myself about them going and it's times like these, because their dad and I aren't together anymore, that you miss a lot of 'firsts', if you know what I mean, so I actually feel quietly gutted that I'm missing out on seeing their wee faces.

But, I hope they have a fantastic time and I've asked for lots of photos :)

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