
By Dee49

Romantic Stroll

Chillax'n is what I've been doing, pretty well too.

Quiet night last night, longer lie this morning, bacon bagel made for me this morning, nice walk that took us around Craignethan Castle near Lanark........ and tons of blip opportunities :) to the point of my fella getting fed up with me and me grinning to myself and thinking, payback mate
Although, I'm being too hard on him, he really is a total gem of a guy who I love to pieces............. I should maybe do a blip for/about him sometime.....

So,enough of the soppy crap now that I've defrosted.......... getting dinner made for me coz I'm worth it and gonna be all cozied up later for Strictly and the X-Factor. I know, I know how to live it up huh :)

PS: My girlies called me last night full of excited chat, they loved the flight and are having a great time :)

Hope everyone's having a good weekend :)

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