Job offer

Today's the day ……………………….. to archive

The year was 1974 - and the letter came from the Department of Geodesy & Geophysics, University of Cambridge.

I found it today as I sorted through old files in the filing cabinet, trying to reduce the amount of paperwork that we seem to have accumulated over the years.  And it took me right back to those heady days when I was fortunate enough to be offered the job as Drummond Matthews' Research Assistant.

Drummond Matthews was a British marine geologist and geophysicist whose research and field studies contributed significantly to the Theory of Plate Tectonics - when it was a very new idea in the scientific world.  You can read more about him here - but suffice to say that it was an exciting time to be involved in marine geophysics.

So, it's one bit of paper that just has to go back into the archives to be preserved for posterity ……………………….. 

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