A single moment in time

By WannabeAmateur

Red or white

It was such a gorgeous day, I'm so frustrated I had to resort to an indoor blip! Today did not go to plan, I had big plans while Rory had his nap, as I have to work on Sunday so lots of chores to get through and new recipe cookies and cakes to make. I have either a pulled muscle in my chest or a bruised rib which is pretty sore, so I'm struggling to sleep in the early morning as it aches all of the time. So, I decided to go for a run as I haven't been for a week due to said sore rib. I think I must have been sub-consciously trying to minimise movement as I tripped twice (I rarely do this!) and second time landed face down in the mud. Got home and was so obsessed with getting my running tights in the washing machine without covering the carpet with mud I forgot to remove my blackberry (which I carry incase I break my ankle while miles from home!). Doh! Wasted time speaking to IT and then an unplanned trip into Edinburgh during Rory's scheduled nap time to drop it off at work.

By the time I got home, time to pick up Cameron and then have friends round for coffee. Such bad timing, as we go live with the project this weekend so I really need my blackberry tomorrow if I don't want to be housebound.

Anyway, I much prefer the red variety of onion which will be tucked up in our fajitas tonight, but bizzarely they are actually red and white, not just red.

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