on their way

Frank, Lizzie and Bella May are off to Yorkshire, to live near their narrowboat. Over the past few months they have sold or given away most of their stuff and they are ready to start on this exciting new stage in their lives. 

It's always sad to say goodbye but I know we will meet up again. Although I've known them for a while, we only really became friends after Lizzie and Frank looked after Jess when we went to Ethiopia two and a half years ago. Soon afterwards - "You'll never guess what we've done?" said Lizzie...and they brought home the lovely Bella May, a rescue dog from Romania. It was with Lizzie and Frank's encouragement that I joined the Cairn Chorus choir (THANK YOU!) and it was good to find other people who were becoming vegan at the same time as us. Lizzie and I also both enjoy sewing and we went to  Stitching Dumfries together at The Stove, and Lizzie and Frank have been Humans of Dumfries and Galloway as well.

Not long ago, another message from Lizzie..."You'll never guess what we've done.." They had bought a boat! It's been lovely to see (and with my own eyes when I went for a visit) how much they love life on the canal. It's brilliant that they are following that passion and I wish them every happiness for their move.

Still a bit sad to say goodbye, though :-(

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