With mountains like these

By Sollergirl


I was so wiped out today I had to go back to bed for a lttle bit with a cup of team made very quickly with the new kettle. Later on I tried energizing qith coffee but it just made me feel wibbly. The only thing to do was go for a walk. The torrents are gushing and the bamboo spouting for Spain on the banks. I couldn't get so far up the path as they've padlocked it off. Lovely though.

My plans for a blast on the beach had to be changed as the boys had been invited to rampage in a garden for a few hours. Now we are finally home after a shop, with burgers about to be cooked, popcorn and Ben's new game to entertain us. I've poured a big g and t and all is calm.

Mrs Pepperpot is safe and well with her hand trussed up. AKHF did the nurse bit admirably. Thanks Anna. I love you xxx Gushingly xxx

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