With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Old bones

9-1 win, barbecue after, sunshine and boys everywhere. So why on Earth I thought it was a good idea to try running about and kick the ball in the traditional adults vs children game I have no idea. No idea who won either.

The doctor who admitted me to hospital two years ago was watching. She told me off a bit. Actually she said, "You shouldn't do that, you're ill" ...

No I'm not! Just a bit daft in the head. So I've just had a very hot bath and I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. It was too much fun to miss out on.

Little Agu has had a bath too and is sitting here in his dressing gown. He looks like a tiny Noel Coward. Another quiet evening I hope. More running about tomorrow, but that's enough for my old bones.

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