....Moscow girls make me.........

O.K. She's not from Moscow....she's from Omsk in Siberia.......but you get the idea.

Blip world meet Svetlana...one of our Russian friends paying us a visit this week.

They arrived back from Scotland today and spent the day with us. In a change from the norm there are only four staff with the students this year....all of them female.....Larissa, who gives me the best winks ever......Marina who was my translator when I went out to Siberia......Ludmilla who was so pleased that I could get her a fishing tie for her husband last year....and Svetlana who is on her first visit. We had a good evening tonight and gifts were exchanged as we do every time we meet...tomorrow they're shopping.... I think I might give that a miss....but we will meet up for dinner tomorrow evening....and then they have to be at Heathrow for about 8.00 a.m. on Sunday morning for their flight back to Moscow and then on to Omsk.

I did something shameful at work today, it's so bad I can't tell you about it....but I can say in my defence that it was for a good cause. Maybe hebs will tell you about it if you ask her nicely.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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