Gift from a ......

...... friend.
This Mothers Union Diary was given to me on Friday last. I love these diaries they have useful information in. M always makes gifts look so pretty I just have to leave it so until it's time to put it into use!
"A" and I have been in the garden this afternoon , he cut the grass and I continued cutting down a Weigelia that was meant to be keep small and shaped but it's just run wild this year again. No matter how low we cut it , and it has been , as now, cut to ground level, it just comes back year after year.
Tho' an hour and half standing was difficult to say the least , it's done . So one more job behind me. It's started to rain now , therefore we did the right thing in choosing this afternoon. Cos' I believe it's going to be worse tomorrow. The wind is waving the trees now , but compared to the USA it's nothing at all.

Grateful ..... for help this PM

Prayers for all in natural disasters .

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