Scaffolding being ...

..... dismantled?
Oh no it's not!!!
This has been the construction with dark sheets covering it ( making it very dark) that I've looked at from my glass door which leads to the garden, for 2 months and the work being finished at least 3 weeks ago. Last week someone started to dismantle it , as I thought, tho' after taking the staging down from the very top level , they left? So 2 days latter another bit was taken away , and, they left. Today wow , it's being done for real! How wrong I was after a few more bits removed they've gone again. I'm sure they won't be here tomorrow!
I know work has to be done but it's been not only an eye sore but also has made my room deprived of light. So when there's no work going on it is quite annoying .
Rant over.
Do hope you've all had a good Friday even tho' the weather has been wet and dull.

Appreciate .... Having my hair done this pm

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