Diving For Peanuts

Well, it's not a squirrel but a Stellar's jay will have to do.  These guys are very aggressive and every bit as dedicated to finding peanuts as the squirrels are.  They sit in a tree across the water and the minute I put peanuts out for the squirrels they come flying over.  There isn't anyplace they can't get a peanut unless it's the squirrel feeder.  They haven't figured out how to open the lid on it yet.  

MM if you're watching, please check the Extra.  I made some curtains for my dining room and was really happy that my little moose appeared so well color coordinated with them. I love him.  

 My son arrives tomorrow from San Francisco for a visit.  I'm so excited to see him.  It's been a while. 

Happy Friday everyone. 

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