Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Early bird...

So, what am I doing up at 7.30 on a Saturday morning? Well, I had to get up and write down what came to me about the conclusion in my paper. So, rush out of bed, get dressed, start the computer, put some water on for tea, a cardigan on, open the document and write. It's a good thing though! But, it's rather tiresome part of the writing process to wake up and get an idea about what to write there or there. I'm going to put pen and paper by the bed, so that I can write down what I'm thinking right away. Many times the thoughts I had disappeared when I've started the computer. Well, that might change now because the new one is so, so fast and don't take 'I'll go and make some tea' -time before it's up and running.
I made a bargain yesterday, and that's always fun to do! I'd set out to buy, no idea about the proper English word for this, but it's a star that can be of different sizes and materials, with a lightbulb that you hang in the window when it's Christmas time... Mr google translate says 'advent star' but I don't know if I believe 'him'. So, the shop nearby had an offer of buying 3 and pay for 2. I wanted 3 white to hang in one window, but the white one I wanted had been sold out and the only example was the one on display. A really nice young woman that works there asked me if I wanted to buy the one on display and yes of course, and the I got the electrical cord for free, since it was the one on display. I only had some money set a side for this not necessary thing, so I decided for 2 orange stars with white dots to. In my window there will hang 2 orange and one white, I'll blip about it later. And because I got the cord for free, I don't have to spend any more money on this.
I have also finished the Latin paper and can relax for a bit now, well... a little bit between the sudden ideas about what to write in my master paper.
I hope you all have a great weekend!

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