It's a baldy bald life!

By DrK

A Fav Image

Black and white is brilliant.

As I'm a relative beginner at photography, I'm trying to focus on getting the basics right. Initially, I used a 50mm prime until I dropped it. Now I've got a 35mm prime and rarely revert to my zoom lens. B&W is challenging too as everything needs to be achieved through light and contrast.

This image is of a sculpture which is under an arch near Manchester Uni. I'm pleased with it because I really thought about it. In normal light, with the red brick, he looks quite friendly. However, I under-exposed to add a real demonish element. The light was coming from just the right place.

My day has been a busy one. It started with a cycle through Marple Bridge, New Mills and home via Chunal. I'm pleased as my legs were sore after 15km of running yesterday...just no zip but I still managed to ride over Chunal close to my PB!

On getting home, I had 20 mins to get showered, changed and then on the train to Manchester. It was Real Camera Club day at the Whitworth. Kate Mellor was presenting her work. I loved the aesthetic of her images, especially the ones where she had used a pinhole camera.

She also presented a few images from the spa in Bagni di Lucca in Tuscany which were very cool. Rosemary and I were there a few years ago and I was a pain in the arse @ the spa. I was expecting something exciting but saw a few caves in a health club.... My mood must have affected what I saw as Mellor's images of a place I've been certainly didn't reflect what I remember! Perception is everything.

I'm now sitting in NTP after a very fine Kenyan Peabody and a brilliant ale!

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