Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Easter Craiglockhart Hill

Forecast not very good for today, a storm is due. However, while breezy, there's no rain. So not too bad for the ride to work. The rain starts a wee while after I get settled at my desk.

No rain on my lunchtime walk either, just a lot of wind. Taking a photo is quite a challenge. I do manage to get a shot of Easter Craiglockhart Hill with the dramatic clouds. Just as I get back to the office the rain starts with some gusto.

The rain eases off just as I leave the office. The ground is wet, so not too bad. The wind has eased off again as well. So its an ok ride home. About 20minutes later, the weather turns for the worse again. So I chose the right time to head home.

The weather forecast for Saturday is not good. Sunday looks ok though.

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