
By HareBrain

Let's go shopping...

What blipping horrid weather this afternoon. Lovely frosty morning but as soon as we had geared ourselves up to go out it changed.

Well we weren't going anywhere of particular interest, just to the local retail park and unfortunately for Mr. T we ended up having to go to two different shopping establishments as the first one was out of stock of an item we wanted so we had to go to another town to pick up said item - you can imagine the blue air and the comments!! ..... 'much quicker to have gone online ..... etc., etc'. Mr T not a happy bunny at all and what with the pre-C........s shoppers who were out in force the rain, cars and queues it was not an ideal afternoon, but he is pleased with his purchase - a new little hi-fi system which does the job nicely (thank goodness!!)

The shot was taken through a wet windscreen dodging the wipers and Mr. T's barbed comments whilst leaving the 2nd retail park!!

However, peace now reigns and Mr. T is a happy bunny lounging on the sofa with a cup of T and favourite biccies and tuning in the new toy, after which we are out to dinner with his #1 son and grandaughter so we'll be having a nice evening.

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