Happy Melon Dance

So, someone didn't want to go to school today - for his 1 hour.... so someone had to use their extra loud shouty voice to at least get them in the car (as he wasn't the only one to get to school!)

He did manage his hour then helped me with the shopping. We had such fun choosing random items. And he was clever enough to workout that if you bought a basic jar of honey for £1 then I could buy 2 jars as it was still cheaper then the other honey's. Clever little Munchkin!

He was super helpful loading the conveyor then loading the shopping bags and everything came home nice a crushed. He even did the happy dance once he had finished and had everyone in stitches in the supermarket!

Iv just finished making a curry (their choice!) for dinner and am psyching myself up for the mission that is the dinner / homework / bath / bed routine! 

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