More Snuggle Time

Following on from Daughter Number 1's Snuggle Blip yesterday, today it was Daughter Number 2's turn. She couldnt make dinner yesterday so she came over tonight (well, last night as its a back blip - sorry!) She hadn't been well in the day but felt better by the evening and after something to eat. We caught up on her week babysitting and she has started to look at properties to buy with her boyfriend. She's struggling to find very much on the £200 000 to mortgage lender said she could have and still no Barns have come up that Mr W could live in!!!

During the day I did a million reports then went to Hove to get my hair cut with Gogglebox Chris. He's such a laugh and we chatted full non-stop for an hour and got a bit freaked out by the orange cloud that descended on us! He kept stopping to look out the front door and take pictures and his back garden seemed like it was in total darkness at one point. We joked that if the world was going to end, at least I would look nice for it!!!! Then his husband Tony came in and showed us a satellite picture of Sahara dust making its way across the country whipped up by Hurricane Ophelia that was hitting Ireland (hope Lean is ok!). I love a bit of weather doo do do do...(The Muppets...) 

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