
By DextersDiary

Day 5

Mum, Dad N1F left me ..........
We got up as normal and went for a lovely walk and guess what? It wasn’t raining!!!
We got home and N1F caught up on some work. THEN N1F said she had to go out for a Flu jab or something!
Yes OUT without me SERIOUSLY!
I timed her - she was gone for 27 minutes, yes nearly half an hour. I met her at the door with a really waggy bum and we played for the next 20 minutes ha ha (I think I made N1F feel guilty for leaving me).
A lovely lady called Liz came and had a drink with us - I got loads of fuss again.
More work completed and then after tea out for another walk. No rain - that’s two wet free walks yipeeeee
Now nice and settled on my blanket.
Hope you are still having fun and missing me!!

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