Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr

What are you saying

I wonder what you're thinking
When you look at me like that
If you could only speak human
Or I could understand cat
I'm sure we could have such fun
Discussing the ways of the world
Me sitting at my desk
With you, on my keyboard curled
Would we talk of rats
Or could it possibly be mice
Whichever subject you chose
To chat with you would be so nice
I'm sure you have so many tales
Of your life out there in the wild
YOu must have so many memories
Within that furry head filed
Would it be possible I wonder
To let me know the reason
Why it was you followed me home
In that long-ago Summer season
And why is it I would ask
That I find my self once again
Struggling to type with one hand
While on the other rests your chin
But I suppose that above all
The important question must be
How come, my delightful, furry friend
I was lucky enough that you chose me

Terry Rhiannyr
November 2012

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