There Is Nothing Worse........

Than using wet toilet paper!
Really - the bears should have taken it with them after they first used it (about April or May I think).

The day seems to have been  a bit of a blur and has had my head spinning - but there have been a few moments of clarity.

The doom & gloom threats regarding the weather never really came to anything and it was wispy clouds - with the occasional con trail thrown in and just a hint of grey thrown in for good measure.

There was a wonderful Mexican Stand Off between PD and his (almost) mirror image. They stood like this for ages and it only ended when the other dog's owner came back to find him and pulled him away.

Camera club was quite interesting with an evening of 'What's In Your Camera Bag'.
One of the girls was in fits laughter at one point with a demonstration from one of the gadget freaks as to how he could wear his bag as a table whist plugging in his toys including his willy warmer lens heater and attaching his "dangly bits" to his camera strap. 
All very entertaining.

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