The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Proper Cultured

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We were proper tourists today. We headed out very early for The Mini Princesses (several hours before lunchtime) and wandered through the Gothic Quarter past the beautiful cathedral to the Picasso Museum. It is really quite phenomenal when you see some of the stuff he painted when he was only 14 although we definitely had a few ‘WTF is that?’ moments along the way. I mentioned to The Eldest Mini Princess that I liked the cubist paintings and she cheekily suggested that it is because circles, squares and triangles are easier for me to understand!

Coffee (cake) stop and then more wandering to see the very impressive Arc de Triomf before having another lovely lunch in the sunshine and heading into the Sagrada Família.

The Sagrada Família is without a doubt impressive. The view from the tower across Barcelona is amazing and I loved the inside of the building. As pointed out by EMP earlier in the day, I like ‘simple’ so The Nativity facade is a bit too busy for me with all the carved plants and flowers. I much preferred the Passion facade depicting Christ’s crucifixion. It very austere and dramatic with lots of bare stone and straight lines.

We all needed a bit of chill time when we got back. Before dinner, The Prince and I went to a cool little bar at the end of our street, La Principal which we decided is our new favourite bar. It still feels like a naughty treat to go for a cheeky beer now that The Mini Princesses are not so mini.


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