The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog


Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

My knee decided that it wasn’t going to play much today so it was very fitting that we spent the afternoon on the hop on, hop off buses.

We all loved the bus trips. It was an easy way to see a lot of the city and to be honest, we only got off to eat. You need at least two coffee and cake stops a day (as well as lunch) when you are on holiday. Like most places, you can only touch the surface when you go for a few days. It also becomes a chore if you decide to cram too much in.

The Prince and I went to our new favourite bar with our new favourite bar barman for our (now) standard cheeky beer and then to a fab place for dinner for our last night. It makes me sad realise how much friendlier the staff in bars and restaurants are compared to some places at home.

I would definitely come back again.

Once I get Freddie and Montserrat out of my head.



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